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The Average Salary Of An Online Fitness Coach

As the popular trend grows larger by the day, it is hard to not have a lot of questions about online fitness coaches. From personal trainers to nutrition coaches and everything in between, online fitness coaches have the potential to make quite a bit of money. Depending on the approach one takes, his or her coaching business can grow into a fruitful venture.

On average, online fitness coaches can range anywhere from under $15,000 per year, to some making over $150,000 per year. For the majority of online fitness coaches, that dollar amount falls mostly between $30,000 and $60,000.

That dollar amount can be determined by a lot of other factors, such as niche, location and marketing tactics. Some people are able to tailor to those that can afford higher priced services, while others are in a more moderate income area. Continue reading the article to learn the ins and outs of the profitability as well as barriers to entry of becoming an online fitness coach.

Article Contents

Is Online Fitness Coaching Profitable?

Online fitness coaching can be very profitable. Even if you are just doing it as a side hustle, some people can make an extra few hundred dollars to a few extra thousand dollars per month. As with anything else, it may take a bit of time to get some momentum to have consistent clients, but when that happens you will have a tidy little side hustle in the works.

It seems nowadays, more and more people want to take control of their health and fitness and be a little more conscious about how they’re eating, drinking and moving. This means there is a lot of potential to be an online fitness coach. With very little cost to entry, you can be well on your way to becoming a profitable online fitness coach.

What is the Average Salary of an Online Fitness Coach?

In general, the majority of online fitness coaches have an average salary between $40,000 and $50,000 per year. There was a survey done in 2019 asking online coaches where their salary range fell, with most of them falling between $30,000 and $50,00, showing that this is a fairly consistent dollar amount for coaches.

When you think about the freedom and flexibility that comes with working remotely, this amount of money isn’t something to turn a blind eye at. As this accounts for a lot of current annual salaries, working from anywhere and helping others live a healthier lifestyle doesn’t sound too bad!

Coaching Salaries in America Versus Other Countries

Since online coaching can be done by just about anyone with internet access, it is hard to narrow down exactly which country makes more money strictly with online coaching. However, we can narrow it down based on the prices of personal training in each country and come up with a close estimate.

United Kingdom

For personal training services in the U.K., the average trainer makes about £30,000 which is the equivalent of $41,000. That same dollar amount is within the range with the majority of online fitness coaches that were surveyed and studied. The increase in online income can come from varying services as well as income demographics.

With that being said, we can assume that the online fitness coaches in the United Kingdom are probably making close to that of those in the United States. There could also be slight differences with income and living expenses, but the average incomes are pretty close within the two countries.


Australia must be the place to train, because their salary number jumps a lot higher than we’ve been seeing. The average salary of a personal trainer in Australia comes in at $68,000. Now, the cost of living is going to be much higher there, so the salary is likely adjusted for that. However, that’s still quite a jump from the modest $40,000 range we were just discussing.

As is the case, we can likely assume that an Australian-based coach might charge a little bit more for their programs and services due to the difference in living expenses.

Do You Need to be Certified to be an Online Fitness Coach?

There are currently a few industries, that for better or for worse, are kind of like the Wild West. Some of those like CBD, nutritional supplements, and of course online coaching. By calling these industries the Wild West, that is to say that they are not regulated and therefore making it so anyone can offer these products and services without much in the way of checks and balances.

You do not need to hold a license or certification in order to be considered an “online fitness coach.” Although they do help and would help with your credibility early on in your career, they are not technically required. If you are able to produce the results and show that, then the results will negate any knock that you don’t have a particular certification.

Although certifications are not required, they do help in more ways than just showing off that you got a piece of paper. With some of these certifications and licenses, it’s about the knowledge that you get from those particular courses. Yes, you can get very fair learning about a lot of different topics on your own, but there’s still something to be said about learning from those with a lot of unique experience and different approaches. When you get that little bit extra, that’s what the certification is for.

So if not just for the piece of paper, take some courses and continue your education so you can be the best coach for you and your clients. Some of these courses have some of the best coaches in the space, and may only take up a few days of your time. Most of the time they’re fun, extremely helpful, and can help make you a better coach instantly. Oh, and if it’s for your business then you can eventually write that off!

Can You Make a Career Out of Being an Online Fitness Coach?

Being an online coach takes a good chunk of time to even do it part time, but those going full time who can dedicate all their time to it consistently usually end up having the best results. Even with some of the numbers on the lower end of what we’ve seen, it is definitely possible to make a career out of being an online fitness coach.

If you are an online coach, then you can virtually work anywhere, which also includes working from home. You do not need an office, nor do you have to drive to an office, thus helping you save a good chunk of change over the course of a year.

As an online fitness coach, you also have the ability to travel to different areas and gyms that you think might be part of your audience, and can introduce yourself to the owner in person. Maybe you try to schedule even a little time to speak to the owner and their trainers/coaches, but you can continue to work while on the road making more marketing efforts.

What’s the Best Way to Get Started with an Online Fitness Coaching Career?

Online coaching can be a wonderful skill to have, because it shows you can help mold and teach in multiple ways so you are able to reach that many more people. However, there is a finesse to online coaching and a few fundamental things that you’ll want to do when first starting out:

  1. Determine your niche and audience you’d like to tailor to – if you don’t narrow down who your target market is, then it will be more difficult to gain traction. Having the umbrella of doing a little bit of everything will have a slower start than if you attack one specific audience.
  2. Create an initial intake or questionnaire form – determine how you’re likely going to operate as a coach. Make a list of all the information you will need from each client and craft an intake form for them to fill out. The more insight you have, the better you’ll be able to service your clients.
  3. Create a library of videos and content – people want to see what you’re doing and how you do it. Whether that’s nutrition or exercise, having a library of videos and other forms of informative content will help you gain more traction online. When people are able to access this content for free without giving anything in return, they are more likely to have a better rapport with you initially and more likely to purchase down the road.
  4. Focus on online client acquisition – if still doing in-person, acquire online clients until you have enough to replace in-person clients. You can choose to still have your in-person clients if you’d like, but you now have the freedom to go completely online if you want to make the transition.
  5. Have a list of your pricing and packages – most people are going to weigh a lot of their decision on whether or not they pay for your coaching on the price. It’s a good idea to have a list of options, varying in price and service, so that you can hit a few different income demographics.
  6. Have a marketing strategy – if you don’t know how you’re going to promote yourself and your business, then no one is going to know it exists. Unfortunately, just building it won’t make people come. You have to show people what you’re doing and why they need it through a website and social media.

Final Thoughts

There is a lot of opportunity in becoming an online fitness coach. You open the door to a lot of different freedoms and skills that you might not have otherwise. It’s amazing having the hands-on, in-person touch, but having at minimum a hybrid of both, or going 100% online can relieve you of a lot of extra burdens and stress.

However, don’t let the numbers trick you into thinking those will be automatic. Yes, some coaches have quicker success with higher dollar amounts, but rarely is that the case. Becoming an online fitness coach is tough work. Rarely is it ever fast money, and the work that goes on behind the scenes typically goes unnoticed.

Being an online coach has its ups and downs, but is a very rewarding profession. If you love it enough and are consistent with your work on improving the business, it will be a success.